Bubble Wrap
Bubble Wrap Protective Packing
Bubble wraps are plastic sheets with air bubbles to protect fragile items from damaging while in transit or in storage. These wraps have symmetrically spaced air-filled bubbles which forms a cushion for the items wrapped. These air bubbles make the items shock resistant and vibration-free.
We believe in customer satisfaction before anything else. Thus, our products are made using the finest technologies and qualitative materials. One of our products is bubble wrap which is available all across UAE, Saudi Arabia, Madina, Jeddah, Riyadh, Mecca, Oman, Muscat and Buraimi
What are Bubble Wraps made of?
Bubble wraps is made of polyethylene film which post compression forms air bubbles. There are various types of Bubble Wraps with lower and higher permeation barrier film which provides the longevity and durability of the wrap. We at Pinnacle Packing Industries ensure to produce the best in industry high quality packaging material.